Identifying background jobs with locked/invalid user and prevent the terminated jobs.

 I faced a lot of problems with terminated background jobs due to the step user is invalid or locked. Then I question myself, how can I determine those jobs earlier and take preventive action before they’re terminated?

Luckily, I found a very useful report named BTCAUX09 which was mentioned in SAP Note 1533612. Although that note is pretty old (last update was on 2018), but we can still use it on S/4HANA. Nice!!

You can execute that report with SE38/SA38 at your choice. At the main screen, you will have the option to investigate the released/scheduled or terminated jobs and see whether the step user is deleted, locked or invalid. In my case, I don’t want to check the terminated jobs because they happened already. Therefore, I chose the “Released” jobs only. And the action is only Display because I want to check them first. You can also decide to Cancel or Delete those jobs as you wish.

As a result, I found 5 background jobs, which will be terminated in the future because the step users are invalid. How nice and easy it is!

Then, what I’ll do, is change the Step user to a valid one. But I don’t want to do it one by one. Instead, we can use report BTC_MASS_JOB_CHANGE, which is also a very nice tool to change many backgrounds at the same time

I hope that this blog post will help all my beloved SAP Basis to prevent the terminated jobs situation which is sometime very stressful. Thank you and happy learning!!

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