SAP programs for System Clean Up

Possible Solution: Job logs full, spool full, SNAP (ABAP dump) table full, system clean up
Related SAP Notes: 16083

There are a number of jobs that should be scheduled to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

These jobs delete obsolete files such as print logs, job logs, and ABAP dumps.

* RSBTCDEL : Deletes old batch jobs (sugg. older than 30 days)
* RSBTCDEL2: Allows you to create pre-defined jobs that deletes old batch jobs (sugg. older than 14 days)
* RSPO0041 : Deletes old print jobs (sugg. older than 7 days)
* RSBDCREO : Reorganizes batch sessions and logs (sugg. older than 7 days)
* RSSNAPDL : Deletes short dumps (sugg. default values)
* RSBPSTDE : Deletes old job statistics (sugg. older than 30 days)
* RSCOLL00 : Statistics collector for performance monitor (this actually is not a cleanup job, but it should be scheduled hourly).

You can run the jobs manually first, and divide how often they should run for the particular system, and then schedule them to run automatically.

To run the programs: 

1. Use transaction SE38 in your SAP system
2. Enter the program required to run
3. Press 'Execute'. Note that each program has its own management menu.

Additionally, there are some cleanup jobs that should be executed manually on a regular basis (usually once a month). These include:

* sqldba: Use the Show/Cleanup commands.
* tp: Use the check all and clear-old all commands. Make sure to backup the transport directory first.
* TemSe (temporary sequential data) database check: Transaction SP12. Execute the menu command TemSe database->Consistency Check and delete inconsistent data.

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