SAP Client Administration

(001) Default Profiles

000 àMaster Clients
001àcopy of 000
066 àEarly watches which is used by the SAP Organization to monitor

Client Data Categorization

Custom data User Application data User data
Client Tools

1 Local client copy
2. Remote client copy
3.Client import/Export copy.

Local Client Copy: Creating a brand new user in the same R3 server and copying 000 to the new user.

Remote Client copy: It is used to copy the client from one R3 server to other R3 Server by using the RFC

Client import/export copy: It is used to copy the client from one R3 server to the other R3 server, were as a dump is created in the OS level and can be exported to many R3 servers at a time.

Tcodes for client creation

SCC4: To create the client
SCCL: Local client copy
SCC9: Remote client copy
SCC8: Client export
SCC7: Client post import
SCC5: To delete the client
SCC3: Client logs
SM02: To sent system messages
SE06: Post installation Actions for Transport Organizer.

Creating a brand new user in the same R3 server and copying 000 to new user.

Local Client Copy

1 Create client by using scc4 (In the target system)
2 Log on to the target client with the user
3 Run the Tcode SCCL (SCC9 for Remote Client copy)
4 Select the profile
5 Select the source client (in remote client copy select the remote server)
6 Before copying run the test run
7 Schedule as background

Remote Client Copy
1 In remote client copy the data is transformed directly b/w the source and target client using RFC s(Remote Function Call) in n/w connection

2 Single step Process

In client transport data is exported file at OS level (Trans/data).At some further time the client is imported from the file system to the target system by using the management system.

2 Two step process

Important Points
1 R3 repositry objects such as ABAP programme are not transported with the client copy
2 Development objects can only be transported using change request
3system messages to be passed to clients from SM02 beford copying client.
4The space on the system should be checked.
5If the client copy is terminated abnormally we can re execute the same copy process. The system allows you to restart the copy at the point were it was terminated previously.
6 The client copy programes use the client copy control flow table i.e ccc flow

To lock the particular sid
Tp locksys pf : tp profile (Path of configuration profile)
Tp unlock sys pf: tp profile (path of configuration profile)

Changes and Transports for client-specific objects

1 Changes with out automatic recording:-with this option customizing changes allowed but the changes will not be recorded in the transport request.
Eg: we can set it as SAN box client

2Automatic recording of changes
Changes to customizing data are automatically recorded in the transport request
Eg :Development

3No Changes Allowed:
We cannot do any changes allowed
Eg: Production system.

4No Transport allowed:
We can modify the data but we cannot transport
Eg:Training system


For Import Export
1 SCC4 ……….To create the client in the target

SCC8 (To export the client copy)
SCC7 ( To import the Client copy)
SCC9(To Remote Client copy)

What is the difference between T000 and SCC4
In T000 the structure will be deleated but the data will be existing

If we use SCC5 the structure and the data will be completely deleated.

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