SAP Basis Interview and rating your skill

Test your Basis knowledge and rate yourself. Are you ready for bigger challenges?

Had only 13 confident answers. Still lots verify and learn. :) Good luck!

Correct answers/Level/Rating

0 - You are a newbie in Basis technology.

1-5 - Level 1 - You have been working with SAP basis but with straightforward and redundant tasks such as transports, executing scripts, etc.

5-10 - Level 2 - You have been working with Basis for a while now and you know the fundamentals of Basis operations

10-20 - Level 3 - You are involved in basis production activities and able to get an overview of what is happening. You regularly perform maintenance tasks. Sometimes you can solve a problem directly with your experience. You seek help from SAP OSS.

20-30 - Level 4 - High level basis engineers who are able to perform a full scale implementation, maintenance and management of a basis infrastructure.

30-50 - Level 5 - SAP god. You are best! You are well rounded and able to solve problems quickly without the help of other basis engineers. :)


1. What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how you will do that?

2. How to import the OSS notes?

3. What is OCS and How to apply OCS Patches ?

4. What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

5. Why do we need to apply support package thru client 000? Why can't we do it thru some other client?

6. What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?

7. How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing?

8. For an ABAP only system, do we have to SSL?

9. What is the procedure involved in doing a system-copy?

10. How to handle the situation where-in SAP* isn't available?

11. What is the difference between Synchronous and asynchronous transports?

12. How to configure regular transactions such as MM01 to view archived data?

13. How to set the trace level for file dev_rd?

14. How to increase tables space, resizing, backups and in what situation are these done?

15. How to schedule background jobs at OS level?

16. How to define instances and operation modes?

17. How to trace the user who moved the transport request from DEV to QUA?

18. Explain the upgrade process.

19. What is the information derived from OSS notes?

20. What is the procedure to lock a client?

21. What is the procedure to delete a client?

22. What is the importance of early watch client?

23. What are the steps to configure TMS?

24. How to prevent other users to send mails from SAP?

25. What is transport domain?

26. How to determine the authorization a user-required for executing particular transaction(s)?

27. What is the difference between Set deletion flag and set deletion indicator?

28. What is SAPS?

29. What is the database backup strategy?

30. What is the procedure to apply Patches?

31. What are the .sca files and their importance?

32. What is the importance of the clients 000,001 and 006?

33. How to monitorUser accessed transactions (Tcode) day wise?

34. What are common transport errors?

35. If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then what are the actions to be performed?

36. What are the differences between application server and central instance?

37. How to make security authorization reports?

38. What SAP tools you use to install SAP patches?

39. What JAVA tools to install JAVA Patches?

40. What is early watch report?

41. Why https is considered safer than http?

42. What is supplementation language?

43. ABAP Service Pack level can be found in SPAM, but how to find the Java Stack Level?

44. How to install multiple Central Instances on the same physical machine?

45. What is the relevance of the Deletion Flag/Indicator in the archiving process?

46. Can SAP Patches be installed when other users are online?

47. What is the importance/need of Virtual system?

48. How to transport users from one client to another?

49. What are the differences between system refresh and client refresh?

50. How to know whether a system is Unicode or non Unicode?

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