SPDD/SPAU TR Adjustments in SPAM/SAINT and SUM Tool

 In this Blog , we are going to cover SPDD/SPAU adjustments while doing any Upgrade via SPAM/SAINT or SUM.


SAP Upgrades are periodic projects where based on the business request we will be doing installation or upgrading a Support Pack or we will be upgrading a NW Version. I am covering in this blog post that are done using  SPAM/SAINT or SUM.

What is SPDD and SPAU in short?

SPDD: Data Dictionary Objects
SPAU: Repository Objects

SPDD & SPAU: Taken care by ABAP Team


Upgrades via SPAM/SAINT:

Questions/Scenarios That I always come across during an Upgrade via SPAM/SAINT:

1. SPDD and SPAU Modification Adjustment.
2.In QAS/PRD Systems how TR is being moved during an Upgrade
3.What if in Dev System no SPDD or SPAU came but In QAS System we got and how to move it.

Scenario 1.SPDD and SPAU Modification Adjustment:

Whenever we are doing an upgrade in Development System via SPAM/SAINT – We would get a pop-up for selecting Modification Adjustment -> Yes or NO.
In Development System we would select NO and proceed for Upgrade. If we got any SPDD or SPAU related activities we will capture in a TR.
Mark the TRS for SPDD & SPAU as adjustment transport from SPDD & SPAU transaction itself ->Menu Utilities -> Assign Transport. Once changes are captured, release the SUB-TASK alone
not the Transport request

NOTE: SPDD or SPAU related trs captured during SPAM/SAINT Upgrade – Release the Main TR after Upgrade is completed.

Now coming to QAS system for the same upgrade – We would get a pop-up whether you want to include modification adjustment transports -> Yes.
In this case We get TRs that have been assigned as adjustment transports for respective SPDD & SPAU. If we are not able to find it in the list then provide manually.

Same is followed for the Production System.

Scenario 2. In QAS/PRD Systems how TR is being moved during an Upgrade if we did not include in modification adjustment:

In this case SPAM/SAINT will stop at SPDD – we have to manually move the TR. For moving the TR we should have a DDIC copy user at 000 client, since DDIC user will not
be able to Import TR.So always have user in 000 client other than standard SAP Users – DDIC or SAP*

Scenario 3.What if in Dev no SPDD or SPAU came, but In QAS we got and how to move it:

In this case we have to capture the TRs for respective SPDD & SPAU. We have to move the TRs manually in Production.
For above cases whenever SPAM/SAINT Upgrade stops for SPDD/SPAU -> always get a confirmation from ABAP Team.


Upgrades via SUM:

Questions/Scenario  That I always come across during an Upgrade via SUM:

1. SPDD and SPAU Modification Adjustment.
2.In QAS/PRD Systems how TR is being moved during an Upgrade
3.What if in Dev no SPDD or SPAU came but In QAS we got and how to move it.

Scenario 1. SPDD and SPAU Modification Adjustment:

Its same as SPAM/SAINT only difference is we should not release the Main TR after the upgrade is completed. Everything will be taken care by SUM.

Scenario 2.In QAS/PRD Systems how TR is being moved during an Upgrade:

SUM will pick the TRs automatically or we can provide the TRs manually.

3.What if in Dev no SPDD or SPAU came but In QAS we got and how to move it:

In this case we have to capture the TRs for respective SPDD & SPAU. We have to move the TRs manually in Production. We have to stop the SUM. Move the TR and start the SUM again.
For above cases whenever SPAM/SAINT Upgrade stops for SPDD/SPAU -> always get a confirmation from ABAP Team.

SAP Notes to check out:1970888,1998382, 1803986.


SAP Upgrades using SPAM/SAINT or SUM is quite beautiful where we will have or face some issues during upgrade and resolving it on our end is something a good feeling. I have just shared my experience and what was done in this blog.

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