Possible values for ACTVT field

These are the possible activities you can find for activity field
ACTVT FIELD possible entries

01 Create or generate
02 Change
03 Display
04 Print, edit messages
05 Lock
06 Delete
07 Activate, generate
08 Display change documents
09 Display prices
10 Post
11 Change number range status
12 Maint.and gen.change document
13 Initialize number levels
14 Field select.:Generate screen
15 Field select.:Assign table
16 Execute
17 Maintain number range object
18 Deliveries from coll. proc.
19 Invoices from coll. proc
20 Transport without translation
21 Transport
22 Enter, Include, Assign
23 Maintain
24 Archive
25 Reload
26 Change customer account group
27 Display totals records
28 Display line items
29 Display saved data
30 Determine
31 Confirm
32 Save
33 Read
34 Write
35 Output
36 Extended maintenance
37 Accept
38 Perform
39 Check
40 Create in DB
41 Delete in DB
42 Convert to DB
43 Release
44 Flag
45 Allow
46 Merge
47 Borrow
48 Simulate
49 Request
50 Move
51 Initialize
52 Change application start
53 Display application start
54 Display application archive
55 Change application archive
56 Display archive
57 Save archive
58 Display takeover
59 Distribute
60 Import
61 Export
62 Create automatic Ledger
63 Activate
64 Generate
65 Reorganize
66 Refresh
67 Translate
68 Model
69 Discard
70 Administer
71 Analyze
72 Plan
73 Execute Digital Signature
74 Revoke approval
75 Remove
76 Enter
77 Pre-enter
78 Assign
79 Assign Role to Composite Role
80 Print
81 Schedule
82 Supplement
83 Counterconfirm
84 Settle
85 Reverse
86 Rebook
87 Return
88 Perform
89 Force Posting
90 Copy
91 Reactivate
92 Create from Template
93 Calculate
94 Override
95 Unlock
96 Reject
97 Set
98 Mark for release
99 Generate invoice list
A1 Accrue
A2 Pay
A3 Change status
A4 Resubmit
A5 Display reports
A6 Read with filter
A7 Write with filter
A8 Process mass data
A9 Send
AA Print Again
AB Settle
B1 Display permitted values
B2 Complete Technically
B3 Derive
B9 Post Parked Document
BD Maintain obj. in non-OwnerSys.
BE IMG projection
C1 Maintenance of payment cards
C2 Display of payment cards
C3 Maintenance of manual auth.
C4 Develope Payment Card
C5 Reopen
C8 Confirm change
D1 Copy
DL Download
DP Delete plan
E0 Save extract
E6 Delete own extracts
E7 Delete external extracts
EP Prioritise extract
FP Change customer field selectn
G1 Maintain Budget
G2 Billing
G3 Maintain Overhead Costs
G4 Maintain Reevaluation
G5 Park
G6 Transfer Budget
G7 Reverse
GL General overview
H1 Deactivate
H2 Activate Logging
H3 Deactivate Logging
KA Activate notice
KI Knock In
KO Knock Out
KS Reverse notice
KU Give notice
L0 All functions
L1 Function range level 1
L2 Function range level 2
LM Change LDAP Mapping
LS Change LDAP Sync. Switch
MA Deactivate mod.assistant
P0 Accept CCMS CSM data
P1 Edit CCMS CSM data
P2 Maintain CCMS CSM methods
P3 Register CCMS CSM remote systm
PA Open Period
PB Close Period
PC Open Consolid. Grp Processing
PD Close Consolid. Unit Processng
PU Publish
RS Send to New Recipient
S1 Edit template
S2 Edit specification
SO Edit in Sourcing
SZ Assign Switch Framework Switch
U2 Compare business volumes
U3 Change business volume comp.
U4 Add business volume data
UL Upload
V1 Create version
V2 Change Version
V3 Display Version
V4 Delete Version
V5 Transport Version
V6 Delete Version Header
VE Create an Enhancement ID
VF Expired

These are only some them.. They can be additional ones like

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