Issue Regarding SAPJSF User

Roles/authorizations for user SAPJSF
We want to use the SAPJSF user in order to use Logon Help: User Requests Password Reset in Portal.
Which role should the user have in order to send the e-mails? If SAP_ALL is assigned then it works (tested in dev), but we want of course to minimize the needed authorizations for production.
If you want to make changes to user data in the back end using the UME, you must assign the SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION role to the communication user.
This role is delivered without a profile, so that it must first be generated (Transaction SUPC).
SLDDSUSER gets locked by user SAPJSF 
I have a system where the user "SLDDSUSER" keeps getting locked each hour.
According to the system log SAPJSF locks the user.
I tried some things out to prevent this from happening again.
I synchronized all RZ70 and SLDAPICUST settings in all the systems to make sure there isn't a wrong password of user SLDDSUSER anywhere. It did not fix the issue.
I checked the SAPJSF security roles/profile, seems to be ok.
In the SLDAPICUST tcode, make sure you are highlighting the entire password field and deleting it (even though the asterisks won't disappear). Then type the correct/new one in. This is a UI bug where people think they can change a password by simply typing it in, not realizing that the old one is either being partially overwritten or appended to the end.
Automatically change the password and block user   
I have a strange problem, I have start the part java, but, when takes some time, AUTOMATICALLY change the password J2EE_ADMIN and SAPJSF and block the user SAPJSF, so, it doesn´t work the portal and I have to change the password and unlock the SAPJSF, why?
You may create another communication user as a copy of SAPJSF but having a different name. Use only the newly created user and block SAPJSF. The application that changes his password will lock an exception somewhere - either on ABAP side or on J2EE side.

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