Configuring TMS - Transport Management System - for the First Time

Note: if you already have a TMS configured, do not use this section to add a new instance to the existing TMS configuration. You could severely damage any pre-existing transports, making them untransportable. Instead, use the following section Adding New Instance to TMS Setup.
1. Log on to client 000 of the SAP instance to serve as the Domain Controller.
2. Go to transaction SE06.
3. Click on the Perform Post Installation Actions button.
4. Go to transaction STMS.
5. You should see a popup box with the title TMS: Configure Transport Domain. If the popup doesn't say that, press F6 to change to the correct popup box.
6. Fill in the TMS: Configure Transport Domain popup with the Description, Name of DOMAIN_<SID>, and the description of the Transport Domain. Then click Save.
7. On the Transport Management System screen (if you aren’t there, back out until you are), assuming that this is the first SAP instance and there are no other installed SAP instances in your landscape yet, and assuming that you want your transport requests to be transportable and not local only, click on Overview → Systems.
8. On the System Overview – Domain Domain_<SID> screen, click SAP System → Create → External System. Fill in QAS if you are going to have a three system configuration or PRD if you are going to have a two system configuration, or make up a <SID> if you are never really going to have another SAP system. Fill in the rest of the information including the Path which is assumed to be \\<current server>:\usr\sap\trans for NT or /usr/sap/trans for UNIX. Click Environment → Transport Routes.
9. On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the User Settings button, turn “on” the Hiergraphical List Editor, and click the √ Continue button. Back out
This document is the intellectual property of Jo Spencer and may not be edited without permission.
of the screen and then go back in – you should see the list in a text mode which makes it easier to handle.
10. On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the Display<>Change button to toggle into Change Mode.
11. On the Change Transport Routes screen, click Configuration → Standard Configuration → Development and Production System.
12. Fill in the Development and Production System popup, using your current SAP system SID as the Development system and the SAP instance you created in step #8 as the Production system. Click the √ mark to Continue.
13. Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click the Save icon and confirm all the popup questions.
14. On the Change Transport Routes screen, back out until you can once more see the Transport Management System screen. Click Overview → Systems.
15. On the Display TMS Configuration: System XXX screen, double-click the TMS Domain domain controller SAP instance.
16. On the Display TMS Configuration: System XXX screen, click the Display<>Change button to toggle into Change Mode. Click the Communication tab and make sure that the Transport Group Name is correct. It should contain of the Domain Controller in the format of DOMAIN_<SID> where <SID> is the System ID of the SAP Domain controller. Use the dropdown to find the correct entry it the field is blank. Click the Transport Tool tab. Verify that the information on the tab is correct and click the Insert Row button. Add a Parameter of CTC and a Value of 1. Click the Save button.
17. Do step #16 for every system in your TMS Domain, making sure to change all Transport Group Names are the same and the CTC row is added to each with a value of 1.
18. Save your way back the the main STMS screen.
19. You may now leave STMS.
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