How to Verifying whether a SAP system is Unicode or non-Unicode?

Disp+work should show you the whether the system is Unicode or Non-Unicode.
log in to server and then command prompt type disp+work -V | more you can find your system use Unicode or non.
or else login SAP and goto System--> status.
Logon to SAP, click on System/Status. See the Unicode system column.

What is difference between unicode and Non-Unicode?

Unicode : Multi language support
Non Unicode : single language support 
Unicode supports all multiple languages like english, chainaa, german, uk .. etc.
Nonunicode : its supports only two languages i.e english and german.
Upto 4.7 ee is supports non unicode kernel 
After WAS technology, netWeaver and ECC 5.0 and etc. supports unicode kernel.
Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.
OLD Code pages have the following disadvantages!

- they cover only a subset of all characters.
- diffrent codepages have incompatibilities between each other.
- data  exchange is restricted between code pages.
- there are somply to many code pages. Unicode has the cabaility to support all the languages in the world in one code page! it support 65,000 characters and has room to support an additional 1 million characters.
* Unicode is mandatory for SAP systems deploying JAVA applications.
* Many companies are adopting service oriented architecture standards providing web services to enable global interoperability. these standards  require Unicode.


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