Frequently Used UNIX Commands in SAP

What are the frequently used UNIX commands in SAP?
By: Manish Gupta
Top 10 fundamental commands which are commanly used in Unix OS.

1. stopsap/startsap for stopping/starting SAP+ DB, stopsap r3/startsap r3 for stopping/starting R3
2. cdpro for checking the profiles path SAPMNT/<SID>/profile
3. cdexe for checling the kernel folder
4. find . -name filename -print for checking the file in the present directory
5. dpmon pf= <Instance profile path>, jcmon pf=<instance profile path>
6. df -k, bdf for checking all file system usages; df -k ., bdf. for individual file usages
7. ls -lrt for listing of files according to the date modified
8. du -a | sort -k 1n,1 for sorting the files in a recursive manner.
9. h for listing previous used commands.
10. rm < file> for removing file, gzip <file> for zipping the file.

1. VI and Gedit is an Editor,  just like to write any programme save it and go to command and compile through through GCC -o .cpp 
2. Ps -ef is to check the how many running process and Kill any running process
3. gunzip to unzip file
4. tar -xvzf file name to run the zip folder of file content
5. mv mo from one path to another
6. Rf remove forcifully any file
7. Make command to effect any coading content
8. make clean to clean the effect of make command
9. cp coppy from one location to another
10. pwd check the current directory

Check these commands.
su - production-admin 
stopsap all -> make sure that the R/3 Instance and Oracle Database stopped 
startsap all -> make sure that the R/3 Instance and Oracle Database started 

If the Oracle Database is not started, tried using SAPDBA 
su - oracle-admin 
Options a - Startup / Shutdown Database instance 

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