Question and Answers of SAP Basis

1)       What are the Pre steps you Perform Before Refresh?

a)       Export the tables which will have Quality specific like RFCs / LS /ALE conf..etc
b)       Export the user master for all the clients of quality and get the transport created
c)        Note the transports list Which are in Quality but not into production
d)       Communicate if any backups are scheduled / Redo log Back up etc
e)       Suspend if any BG jobs incase Offline backup is being used
f)        Deactivate if any pager alerts configured
g)       Take the screen shots of BDLS / Sm59/WE20 / We21 / STMS / BD97 / Bd54 /BD64 /SPAD / SCC4 /SUW3  ..etc

2)       How do you export the User Master? In which T-code you do that. Which Profile you use?
a)       Goto SCC8 -> SAP_USER profile and Select client number and Target client and execute.
b)       Select  the options and execute.

3)       What is for SCC7?
a)       It is the T-code in which Post processing will be performed after User master import, Which need to be performed after any transport import which is created as part of client export, which will ensure  the adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data. This is very imp step.

4)       How do you Export the RFCs/ LS ..etc?
a)       We  will export the Respective tables data at OS level using r3 trans  and Select * from respective tables like for RFCs RFCDES /   rfcdes/ rfcattrib/ rfcdoc / rfccheck .etc , similarly for Other information like LS , ALE Config , WE20 , We21 , BD97 ..etc.

5)       What is the difference between only ABAP / Dual? In refresh process?
a)       CI export / import steps  is needed
b)       Licensing adapter and SLD data supplier Details
c)        Key store update in VA
d)       Password updates for J2ee_admin ..etc

6)       How do you take Client copy?
a)       SCC8 – Local client copy , Scc9 – Remote client Copy : Select SAP_ALL profile  and source system/ client.
b)       After client copy execute SCC7 – post processing for client.

7)       How do you configer the SSO? What are the two Parameters to be checked and its values?
a)       Login to portal -> system administrator -> Keystore administration  -> Download the verify.der file
b)       Login to Backend system -> Strustsso2 -> Import verify.der -> add to ACLs -> Provide the Portal information
c)        Check for the SSO parameters in Backend, login/accept_sso2_ticket =1 , login/create_sso2_ticket=2
8)       What is trace location in oracle? what is the path?

9)       How do you create add a server node? Prerequisites?
Server node can be added to the J2ee instance using Config tool, once added instance restart is needed.
Pre requisites:
a)       Check the existing server node configuration and how much memory it is occupying?
b)       Check the available free memory on RAM, it is at least equal to the existing server node.
c)        Check if any parameter reconfiguration is needed for existing server node as the new server node will also take the load.
d)       Rule of thumb is , number of server nodes is available memory / 2.5GB
e)       Check the concurrent users per server node
f)        It also depends on heap size , number of applications and system threads etc
g)       Make sure you change the parameters which has hardcoded value for specific node number. (ie. -Dcom.wily.introscope.agent.agentName=<SID>_<instance_NR>_server<nr>
h)       Make sure you have sufficient freespace on the instance directory after your server is up, because when you restart the server, files will be synchronized with other server nodes.
i)         If the memory is not configured correctly, then it won’t comeup.

10)    What is the default location of the control file?
Controlfiles location we can mention in initSID.ora file .  It can be configured anywhere in the file system.
11)    What are the starting methods of Database?
Startup , Start nomount , start mount
12)    What will happen in Nomount / Mount?
In nomount , controls file is opened
In Mount ,  DB architecture will be compared to the architecture information in Controlfile
13)    What is the parameter for GC?
Verbose:GC  to be set in all Server nodes / dispatcher configurations in Config tool.
14)    What is GC ? Why
GC – Garbage collection , It is a system level program which will run to collect the inaction memory allocations from VM area, hence create free space in VM for new requests on to server node / dispatcher. There are several collectors with defined algorithms are available

15)    What is Jco / Jco RFC’s?

16)    What is SDM port?
By default the SDM port is 18, http port to connect to SDM is 5<instance number>18.
17)    If you forgot SDM password , how can we login to SDM?
a)       Bring the SDM to Standalone mode
b)       Issue a cmd prompt to change the SDM password
c)        Bring the SDM back to Integrated mode.
sdm jstartup "mode=standalone"
sdm changepassword "password=XXXXXXXX"
sdm jstartup "mode=integrated"
18)    What is the difference between SDM / JSPM?
Using SDM , single patch can be deployed, but to deploy the entire stack  Earlier we have SAPINST ( Telnet tool also ?) .
Using JSPM , we can deploy single patch /  entire patch support stack also
Using JSPM , we can deploy all the support packs stack / single patch files / Business packages ..etc
JSPM connects to the SDM server to deploy support packages and software components.
We have to use JSPM to upgrade SDM component, but JSPM can update itself
Patches can be deployed from any location using SDM,  But JSPM uses only trans directory only.

19)    What all the information you need to create the JCo? Pre requisites?
a)       The backend system must be created in SLD
b)       If needed the message service details must be added to the services file , TCPip port
c)       Backend system MS id ( SAPms<SID>), User id /password , Jco Name .
20)   What all the information You need to configure JCO RFC for any backend system? What are Prerequisites?
21)   What you have done in Java administration?
a)       I have involved in all kind of support/ Cutover activities on Java stack
b)       Created Jcos , Created systems in SLD
c)       Added server nodes using config tool ,
d)       Applied support paches
e)       Analyzed the performance issues
f)        Start /stop
g)       J2ee administration using configtool / VA
h)       Deployed the component files using SDM
i)         Monitoring using NWA / Log viewer tools
j)         Moved Transports using CTS+ /CMS ..etc
22)   How do you undeploy the components?
Undeployment can be done by using SDM,  Undeploying single component is fine , but undeploying  a stack files ( need to be done one by one ) may lead the system to inconsistent.
We can use telnet tool to undeploy the files.
If you want to go back to the lower version of any component, Select the options in SDM to deploy any version of the component and deploy.

23)   If observe a portal application is slow, how do you trouble shoot?
a)       Check if the slow performance is with only one application / all applications
b)       Check the CPU usage of Server / File system space
c)       Access the application from Server and check the response
d)       Check if any Full GCs are running
e)       Check with network if any slow network issues
f)        If the particular application access data from backend , check the performance of the same transaction in backend.
g)       Check if the application is generating detailed log , reset the logging level.
h)       Check if enough threads are maintained
i)         Check if the login page is loading with good response times
j)         Check the response times of http using httpwatchbasic
24)   What is RTCCtool for? What is mean by Addons / Plugins ? What RTCCtool will give as output?
25)   What do you have on SDCCN?
26)   What is the Difference between VA & Config tool?
a)       Config tool is the tool to configure J2ee Engine (  server nodes / services / managers ..etc )
b)       VA is to configure runtime environment
c)       Configtool is offline tool , When you make changes in config toll , J2ee engine need to be restarted to pick the changes
d)       Configtool can be accessed if DB is up , but to access VA , J2ee engine must be up and running
e)       Config tool parameters will be saved in .xml file in DB, when restarted , the configuration values will be updated to file, that is the reason restart is needed.
f)        To login to config tool, no need of userid/password, but to access VA , you need userid/pwd ( generally administrator / J2ee_admin ).
g)       AS Java can be started/stopped by VA which is not possible by Config tool

27)   I need to connect Portal as backend to another Portal , how do you do? what is it?
Connecting one portal as backend to another portal is called as Federation. Federation is of a) content federation b) Portal federation. Federation can be configured by defining the consumer and producer definitions and trust between them.
Content federation : Content will be shared from one portal to another portal where users use one portal to login. This is one directional.
Portal Federation : content is shared bydirectional., users can access the from any portal.

28)   Who is Producers? Who are consumers?
a)       Producers : it is the portal which will provide the PCD data to the consumer
b)       Consumer : it is the portal from where the users access the content of producer

29)   What is the mechanism inside the federation?
There are 3 mechanisms a) Remote role assignment b) Remote delta links c) WSRP content sharing
Remote role assignment: Backend portals roles will be shown as data source in front end.
Remote Delta links : The PCD of the backend will be shown in frontend portal also.

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