Oracle Files
- Data files: Contains all database data
- Name: *.dbf
- Location: /$ORACLE_HOME/sapdata(n)
- Name: *.dbf
- Redo logs: Contains change records (change vectors) or SQL Statements
- Name:
- Location:
- Online: /$ORACLE_HOME/orilogA and orilogB (Mirrored to mirrlogA and mirrlogB)
- Offline: /$ORACLE_HOME/oraarch
- Online: /$ORACLE_HOME/orilogA and orilogB (Mirrored to mirrlogA and mirrlogB)
- Name:
- Control file: Contains details about oracle structure (which data files holds which data)
- Name:
- Location: Can be found in initSID.ora file ($ORACLE_HOME/dbs)
- 3 files:/sapdata1, /usertrace and /mirrlogA (default locations)
- 3 files:/sapdata1, /usertrace and /mirrlogA (default locations)
- Command to create:
- SQL >alter database backup controlfile to trace; (saves to /orahome/saptrace/usertrace)
- SQL >alter database backup controlfile to trace; (saves to /orahome/saptrace/usertrace)
- Name:
Listener related files:
listener.ora : Mandatory service needed to connect to database
tnsnames.ora : Client connectivity to database listener (provides name of DB, oracle home, port, etc that a DB client need to access)
Location: /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/oracle
sqlnet.ora : Used to establish connection with DB