STMS Slowness during TR import in Windows Cluster Environment

 In this blog post I have shared my experience of resolving TR import slowness in the Windows Cluster environment. I hope this blog post will be useful.

This is my first blog post, and I am writing this based on my experiences.


TR movement done in a windows cluster environment (PRD system) is considered slow when compared with the windows non-cluster environment (QAS system).

The behavior is the same even with TR which contains less number of objects/changes.


Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2 with failover clustering and SAP ABAP system.


As a first step, we have upgraded the tp exe by forming the entire kernel upgrade to rule out any kernel’s bugs and issues, but the issue persists.

After analyzing the TR import logs, the TP program connecting to database only take long time but once it’s connected the import speed is normal only.

The SAP note 2777760 explains a similar kind of behavior in a windows cluster environment where each program in a shared folder takes much more time than the usual time. In the same note, the cause is described its due to the windows Continuous Availability (CA) feature which results in R3trans long-running.

The above can be validated by the r3trans -d command. From the trans.log below, we can see it took one minute with Continuous Availability CA turned ON


To overcome the above standard behavior, the sap note 1823833 mentioned the solution by disable the Windows CA functionality. This is also provided in windows KBA 2820470.

  • First the windows registry backup is taken for best practice in all nodes of the cluster.
  • Go to the below following registry subkey.           


  • Right click NEW and then select DWORD value.
  • Enter DisableCARetryOnInitialConnect.
  • Double click the DisableCARetryOnInitialConnect, set the value to 1 and exit registry.
  • 1 –> Disable CA and 0 –> Enable CA.

The above setting has no negative effects on other process (Mentioned under Solution in the SAP note 1823833).


After the key creation, the r3trans -d command is executed within 1-2 seconds.

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